As Google details all the camera, processor and security updates coming to its new Pixel 7 phones and its very first smartwatch, it also noted that more recycled materials have been used in its latest hardware. With the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro the frames are now made of 100-percent-recycled aluminum, while the Pixel Watch housing uses 80-percent-recycled steel. (Google clarified on Twitter that recycled aluminum apparently makes up to 11 percent of the product, based on weight.)
It goes a little further, too, with Pixel Watch fabric bands made from 100-percent-recycled yarn. According to Google's visualization, the company has folded in some recycled plastics.
Sustainability guides us—from product design to manufacturing and beyond.
🪴 New #Pixel phones include 100% recycled aluminum¹
🌱 #GooglePixelWatch housing is made with 80% recycled stainless steel#MadeByGoogle
¹See video for more info
— Made By Google (@madebygoogle) October 6, 2022
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