Tunisian mourners clashed with security forces on Friday after the death of a young man from injuries sustained during a police chase a month ago. Protestors threw rocks at security forces after Malek Sellimi’s funeral in the working-class neighbourhood of Upper Omran on the edges of Tunis, according to videos shared widely online. حي التضامن الآن أثناء تشييع جثمان التلميذ مالك السليمي الذي توفي متأثرا بإصابات بعد الاعتداء عليه من قبل الأمن pic.twitter.com/nj2JO9amZq — mariem agrebi/مريم العقربي (@MayAgrebi) Sellimi, 24, had fallen in a ditch and suffered a neck injury as he was being chased b…