Many of us have experienced the frustration of visiting a web page that seems like it has what we’re looking for, but doesn’t live up to our expectations. The content might not have the insights you want, or it may not even seem like it was created for…
三菱電機、自動車機器事業の販売子会社統合 販売体制構築と事業競争力強化
Google Pixelシリーズ向けに「Android 13」公開、パーソナライズを強化
Googleは、Android OSの最新バージョン「Android 13」を8月16日に公開した。…
Meta Quest 2にValve Index風スピーカーを追加する CHORUS 、Logitechが発表
LogitechがVRヘッドセット Meta Quest 2 専用のオフイヤーオーディオ CHORU…
5 apps making their mark in Asia Pacific and beyond
Google Play turned 10 this year, and we’ve been keeping the celebrations going with local developer communities around the world. It’s an extra special occasion in Asia Pacific, which is home to one of the largest app developer populations (nearly a th…
GIGABYTEがクリエイター向けノートパソコンの「AERO 16リレーチャレンジグローバルキャンペーン」を開催
GIGABYTEがクリエイター向けノートパソコンの「AERO 16リレーチャレンジグローバルキャンペ…
[notrinos/notrinos-erp] NotrinosERP Cross-site Scripting vulnerability
NotrinosERP version 0.7 and prior is vulnerable to stored cross-site scripting. A fix is available on the master branch of the repository.
[] HashiCorp Consul Template could reveal Vault secret contents in error messages
In HashiCorp Consul Template through version 0.29.1, invalid templates could inadvertently reveal the contents of Vault secret in errors returned by the *template.Template.Execute 5 method, when given a template using Vault secret contents incorrectly….
Easily assign Tasks from Google Docs
Quick summaryIn Google Docs, you can now assign a checklist item to yourself or a colleague that will then show up in the assignee’s Tasks list. When edits are made to an assigned item in Tasks, such as a change to the title, due date or completion sta…