【クローズアップ科学】コロナで脚光 ウイルス学の研究者に獣医師が多い理由 (産経新聞)


前作は販売500万本超え、『スプラトゥーン3』は敗者のメンタルケアまでを徹底した対戦ゲーム | DIAMOND SIGNAL

Nintendo Switchの人気シリーズ最新作『スプラトゥーン3』が9月9日に発売された。読者の身の回りでも、Nintendo Switchユーザーの多くが購入したに違いない。最新作への期待と、これまでの人気ぶりを過去シリーズについて振り返りつつ説明しよう。…

Codename Red will take the Assassin’s Creed franchise to feudal Japan

The game Assassin’s Creed fans have been asking for years is finally on its way. During its Ubisoft Forward event on Saturday, the publisher revealed Codename Red, a new entry in the series that will be set in feudal Japan. Franchise head Marc-Alexis Côté called Red the “next premium title” in Ubisoft’s open world series and said Ubisoft Quebec was leading work on the project, suggesting it will hew closer to Odyssey than next year’s Mirage.

Côté also shared a teaser for Codename Hexe and called it “a very different type of Assassin’s Creed game.” Ubisoft Montreal, the studio that first created the series is leading development on the project, with Clint Hocking involved as creative director. Hocking may not be a household name, but he’s probably among the most influential designers at Ubisoft, with credits that include Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory and Far Cry 2. According to a recent report from Bloomberg’s Jason Scheier, the game is set during the latter stages of the Holy Roman Empire.

Neither game has a release date yet, but Ubisoft said they would both integrate with Infinity, a service Côté called “not a game per se, but a single entry point into the series.” Ubisoft was cryptic about what Infinity would involve but Côté said the company was exploring the possibility of creating standalone multiplayer experiences within the hub.

Assassin’s Creed Codename Jade is a ‘AAA RPG’ for mobile devices

Ubisoft is bringing Assassin’s Creed back to mobile devices with Jade, a new title set in China. The game takes place around 215 BC, filling in the timeline between Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Origins, and it’s designed to feel like a mainline entry, parkouring and all. There’s no release date quite yet and all Ubisoft has shown is the classic eagle-flying-over-a-settlement sequence.

One thing we do know about Jade is that it will support the ability to create your own character, a first for the series. There’s no word on pricing or potential micro-transactions for the game.

Ubisoft has tried to make Assassin’s Creed a thing on mobile devices for nearly as long as the series has existed. The first mobile entry was Assassin’s Creed: Altaïr’s Chronicles, and it came out for the Nintendo DS in 2008, with iOS and Android versions the following year. The original Assassin’s Creed, meanwhile, hit PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2007. There have been a handful of mobile-first Assassin’s Creed games since then, but Ubisoft hasn’t released an iOS or Android title tied to the series in four years.

In addition to Jade, Ubisoft is building a game based on the live-action Assassin’s Creed series heading to Netflix. Of course there’s also Assassin’s Creed Mirage, the new mainline title set in the Middle East.

9浪、27歳早大合格者を苦しめた「国公立を受けないと親不孝」 – 9浪生が語る「浪人完全回避」の法則

9浪はまい氏が働きながら9浪で受験を成功できたのは、理数系を捨てたからだといいます。「国公立を受けないと親不孝」という呪縛からどうやって解き放たれたのでしょうか。9浪して27歳で早稲田大学に合格した濱井正吾氏が著書『浪人回避大全 「志望校に落ちない受験生」になるためにやってはいけないこと』(日本能率協会マネジメントセンター)で解説します。…

【起業家必見】「この会社の、この商品でなければ…」顧客のハートをつかむ〈ポジショニングマップ〉活用術 – プロジェクト担当者&起業家必見!成功する「新規事業立ち上げ」ノウハウ
