台湾の国防部(国防省)は1日、中国・福建省近くの金門群島の空域に中国の民生用と見られる無人機(ドローン)が侵入したため、撃墜したと発表した。ロイター通信などが伝えた。 撃墜は12時3分に行われた。防衛区域の安全を維持する
Work Insights reporting for Google Chat and Google Meet
What’s changingOver the years, many organizations have benefited from the use of Work Insights, a tool that provides data-driven insights on Google Workspace adoption, work patterns, and cross-team collaboration. With the recent upgrade from Hangouts t…
デンソーテン、Be Smart KOBE プロジェクト事業実施者に決定
株式会社デンソーテン(以下、デンソーテン)は、神戸市の2022年度「Be Smart KOBE プロ…
BOLDLY株式会社(以下、BOLDLY)は、公道での自動運転バス「NAVYA ARMA(ナビヤ ア…
Our ongoing work to support the 2022 U.S. midterm elections
In the last few months, voters have participated in elections around the world, including recently in France, Kenya, Colombia, Australia and primaries across the U.S. Our products and services have helped people find election information and protect th…
ヤングブラッド(Yungblud)が、ザ・キュアー(The Cure)の名曲「Close To Me…
ライカ、ホームシネマ市場への参入発表。第一弾はレーザーTV「Cine 1」
Ghacks Deals: The AWS Certified Dev And Ops Engineer Professional Training Bundle
The AWS Certified Dev And Ops Engineer Professional Training Bundle is a four-part course series that preps you for the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certified Development and Operations Engineer Professional exam. It […]
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