Las autoridades de Irán han anunciado este viernes que han detenido al menos a nueve ciudadanos extranjeros de países como Alemania, Polonia, Italia, Francia, Holanda y Suecia, por las protestas en el país tras la muerte de Mahsa Amini. El Ministerio d…
El ministro de Justicia belga confirma la detención del imán Hasán Iquioussen en Bélgica
El ministro de Justicia de Bélgica, Vincent Van Quickenborne, ha confirmado este viernes la detención en el país del imán Hasán Iquioussen, acusado por las autoridades francesas de diseminar un discurso antisemita y misógino. Van Quickenborne ha señala…
Ucrania.- La OTAN defiende que Ucrania retome zonas anexionadas por Rusia: “No cambia naturaleza de la agresión”
La OTAN ha rechazado este viernes la anexión ilegal de Rusia de zonas ocupadas en el este y el sur de Ucrania y ha defendido el derecho de Kiev a recuperar estas regiones, ahora anexionadas por Moscú, alegando que “no cambia la naturaleza de la agresió…
Bullet found in ‘Your Friends at MAGA’ letter sent to library in Chicago suburb
By Sky Palma The Downers Grove Public Library in Illinois canceled a drag queen Bingo event after they received threats, WGN 9 reports. Downers Grove police say the library received a letter that contained a bullet and a return address that said, “Your…
[ワシントン 30日 ロイター] – 英軍制服組トップのラダキン国防参謀総長は30日、ウクライナに侵…
為替相場 1日(日本時間 3時)
3時現在 1ドル= 144円72銭~ …
ディノスTHE ストア
10/1 3:01~3:30 [BSフジ(Ch.181)]
Magic Leap’s smaller, lighter second-gen AR glasses are now available
Magic Leap’s second take on augmented reality eyewear is available. The company has started selling Magic Leap 2 in 19 countries, including the US, UK and EU nations. The glasses are still aimed at developers and pros, but they include a number of design upgrades that make them considerably more practical — and point to where AR might be headed.
The design is 50 percent smaller and 20 percent lighter than the original. It should be more comfortable to wear over long periods, then. Magic Leap also promises better visibility for AR in bright light (think a well-lit office) thanks to “dynamic dimming” that makes virtual content appear more solid. Lens optics supposedly deliver higher quality imagery with easier-to-read text, and the company touts a wider field of view (70 degrees diagonal) than comparable wearables.
You can expect decent power that includes a quad-core AMD Zen 2-based processor in the “compute pack,” a 12.6MP camera (plus a host of cameras for depth, eye tracking and field-of-view) and 60FPS hand tracking for gestures. You’ll only get 3.5 hours of non-stop use, but the 256GB of storage (the most in any dedicated AR device, Magic Leap claims) provides room for more sophisticated apps.
As you might guess, this won’t be a casual purchase. The Magic Leap 2 Base model costs $3,299, while developers who want extra tools, enterprise features and early access for internal use will want to pay $4,099 for the Developer Pro edition. Corporate buyers will want to buy a $4,999 Enterprise model that includes regular, managed updates and two years of business features.
You won’t buy this for personal use as a result. This is more for healthcare, industry, retail and other spaces where the price could easily be offset by profits. However, it joins projects from Qualcomm, Google and others in showing where AR technology is going. Where early tech tended to be bulky and only ideal for a narrow set of circumstances, hardware like Magic Leap 2 appears to be considerably more usable in the real world.
Coast Guard sees human remains in flooded home as search and rescue continues
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida officials on Friday gave a glimpse into the death toll following Hurricane Ian: 20 unconfirmed deaths, 1 confirmed fatality and an unknown number of drownings in one house. Kevin Guthrie, Florida’s emergency management direc…
Die Woche in Europa: Annexionen, Sanktionen, Lecks und ein düsterer Wirtschaftsausblick
In seinem Krieg gegen die Ukraine hat Russland ein neues Kapitel begonnen – die Annexion von besetzten Gebieten in der Ost-Ukraine. Dieser Schritt folgte Schein-Referenden in dieser Woche, deren voraussehbarer Ausgang dem Ganzen den Hauch eines demokra…