Palestinian PresidentMahmoud Abbas told a group of Palestinian Americans that he called US Secretary of State Antony Blinken a ‘little boy’ for succumbing to Israel’s expansion of illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. During a private meeting …
夜にも、空母があってもミサイル発射…米国の「拡大抑制」揺さぶる北朝鮮 (ハンギョレ)
韓国は拡大抑止・韓米合同防衛態勢を強化 「中国牽制狙った」韓米日フィリピン海兵隊の共同訓練も 9月30日、東海で韓米日対潜戦訓練に参加した軍艦。右前から米原子力潜水艦「アナポリス」と原子力空母「ロナルド・レーガン」、韓国の駆逐艦「文武大王」、日本の駆逐艦「あさひ」、米国のイージス駆逐……
夜にも、空母があっても発射…米国の「拡大抑制」揺さぶる北朝鮮 (ハンギョレ)
韓国は拡大抑止・韓米合同防衛態勢を強化 「中国牽制狙った」韓米日フィリピン海兵隊の合同訓練も 9月30日午前、東海の公海上で韓米日対潜戦訓練に参加した軍艦が機動訓練を行っている。右前から米国の原子力潜水艦「アナポリス」と原子力空母「ロナルド?レーガン」、韓国の駆逐艦「文武大王」、日本の……
Trump-loving Senate candidate sues women who charged and arrested him for violating protection order
By Travis Gettys A U.S. Senate candidate in Vermont has sued the law enforcement officers involved with charging him for violating an abuse prevention order. Kerry Raheb, of Bennington, is charged with one misdemeanor count of violating a protection or…
Iran detains woman for eating breakfast without hijab
An Iranian woman has been arrested after a photograph of her eating at a restaurant without the government-mandated headscarf went viral. The picture showed two unveiled women sitting in an Iranian restaurant in Tehran – one was identified as Donya Rad…
Sweden moves closer to NATO, lifts arms embargo on Turkey
Would-be NATO member Sweden on Friday announced it will allow exports of arms to Turkey, which had threatened to block the Scandinavian nation’s application to join the 30-member defense alliance. The decision means that Sweden, which has sought NATO m…
UN to seek $800 million more in aid for flood-hit Pakistan
The United Nations will seek $800 million more in aid from the international community to respond to soaring life-saving needs of Pakistani flood survivors, a UN official said Friday. The unprecedented deluges — likely worsened by climate change — have…
US urges probe after Palestinian boy dies in Israeli raid
The US has called for an investigation into the death of a seven-year-old Palestinian boy who collapsed while being chased by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank on Thursday. Rayyan Yaser Suleiman died of heart failure while in a state of panic as Israel…
大阪府と堺市 G7貿易大臣会合に向け協議会設立
来年大阪府で開かれるG7貿易大臣会合に向け、大阪府と堺市が準備に向けた協議会を設立しました。 来年5…
六代目山口組組長らに47万円の支払い命じる判決 みかじめ料を支払わされたとして損害賠償求める裁判