英国債市場、過去数カ月の衝撃を依然引きずる-ベイリー総裁が答弁 英中銀、市場混乱時に緊急購入した債券570億円相当を売却 A clock hanging from the Royal Exchange building displays the time in view of the Bank of England (BOE) in the City of London, U.K., on Wednesday, May 6, 2020. Pho…
英国債市場、過去数カ月の衝撃を依然引きずる-ベイリー総裁が答弁 英中銀、市場混乱時に緊急購入した債券570億円相当を売却 A clock hanging from the Royal Exchange building displays the time in view of the Bank of England (BOE) in the City of London, U.K., on Wednesday, May 6, 2020. Pho…