Today’s daily horoscope for Nov. 26, 2022

First Luck of Sagittarius Season The Capricorn moon angles Uranus the rebel in the first lucky trine of Sagittarius season. This calls for some personal work. To reap the rewards of the omen, we must align ourselves with a daring goal. Choose one with …

Helicopter noise pollution unwanted in LSP | Letter

As a concerned and long-time resident of Jersey City, and an almost daily visitor to Liberty State Park, I strongly oppose directing tourist helicopter flight paths over the park as proposed. This will cause substantial noise pollution to an area where…

Expectant mom finished N.J. 5K, gave birth the next day

Baby, we were born to run. Amanda Huneke was nine months pregnant on the morning of Oct. 15, when she toed the starting line at the Shore A.C. 5-Kilometer cross country race in Holmdel Park. And the Olympic-level runner from Jackson certainly knew what…