Billionaire Mark Cuban Slams Baby Boomers (He is One)

By Luc Olinga The successful entrepreneur, who is disrupting the pharmaceutical industry, is known for never mincing words. Mark Cuban, 64, is a multi-card entrepreneur. He is a jack-of-all-trades and has a nose for smelling the right deal that will ch…

Watch Out For Crypto Scams Linked To the Queen

By Ellen Chang Scammers are focused on making money and don’t miss any opportunities, especially when news is global. Cyber criminals are avid fans of current news and keep up with the latest topic to create and launch the newest ripoffs. Security anal…

Defunct Department Store Just Came Back from the Dead

By Veronika Bondarenko A line of beauty products from an iconic retailer will soon be sold online and at some department stores. Iconic New York department stores may not always be profitable but they come with a strong nostalgia factor and, as a resul…

Here Are The Few Places Where People Still Use Cash

By Veronika Bondarenko A recent Talker survey found that the average person $70 in cash on them at any time. Where do youstill use cash? Supermarket trolleys and pool locker rooms? Your favorite hole-in-the-wall restaurant? The scenarios in which cash …