黑五優惠 2022:86 折入手 Meta Quest 2,再送《Beat Saber》、《RE 4》

自 8 月加價以來,Meta Quest 2 於 Amazon 上首次推出優惠,這次它們帶來的 Black Friday Bundle 除了有 VR 眼鏡本體以外,更會附送熱門遊戲《Beat Saber》還有《Resident Evil 4 VR》。現在 128GB 由原價 US$400 減至 US$350,而 256GB 則由原價 US$500 減至 US$429。…

Arrival CEO steps back amidst the electric van startup’s financial woes

Denis Sverdlov, the CEO and founder of the embattled EV startup Arrival, has stepped back from the company’s day-to-day operations, according to The Financial Times and Bloomberg. Sverdlov won’t be leaving the company completely but will instead switch…

This golf robot uses a Microsoft Kinect camera and a neural network to line up putts

Robots that can whack a golf ball down a fairway aren’t exactly new, but building one that can play the nuanced short game is a more complex problem. Researchers at Paderborn University in Germany have done just that with Golfi, a machine that uses a n…

Critter & Guitari’s 201 Music Synthesizer is the long-awaited successor to its Pocket Piano

Critter & Guitari’s lineup of hackable music computers and video synths are undeniably unique. They do things that practically no other instrument can, plus they’re probably the most visually distinctive portable music devices out there. Its latest…

The best early Black Friday tech deals for 2022

Black Friday may still be a few hours away, but we’re already seeing a bunch of great deals on our favorite tech. This comes after a slow trickle of deals popping up across the web ever since the start of November. While we don’t have the supply chain …