黑五優惠 2022:Intel 12 代晶片 + 3050Ti 微星筆電,僅售 US$849

在 Prime Early Access 中大賣的 MSI 電競筆電,在黑色星期五優惠中為大家推出了更划算的優惠,這次的焦點莫過於 Katana GF66,採用了 12 代 Intel Core 處理器加上 3050Ti 獨立顯示卡的它,上次的折扣直接翻倍大減 US$300,只需 US$849 即可入手!…

The FTC might file an antitrust lawsuit to block Microsoft’s Activision purchase

Microsoft’s $69 billion purchase of Activision Blizzard is facing scrutiny from antitrust investigators in several countries. In the US, for instance, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) started looking into the acquisition shortly after it was announce…