Honor’s second foldable, and the first destined for the west, has been unveiled today in China as the Honor Magic VS 5G. The VS is a follow-up to the Magic V, but you’ll spend a while playing spot the difference between the two handset’s spec sheets. T…
Protests break out at a major iPhone factory in China
Foxconn’s largest iPhone factory in Zhengzhou, China has been hit by worker protests including violent confrontations, Bloomberg has reported. Videos show hundreds of workers marching and confronting a manager, along with several instances of violence….
鄭州富士康疑現抗議,iPhone 14 Pro 產能或再遭打擊
鄭州富士康疑現抗議,據傳抗議原因是廠方和新招員工在待遇上產生了分歧,iPhone 14 Pro 產能或因此再遭打擊。
榮耀 Magic Vs 是又一款輕薄橫折手機
榮耀 Magic Vs 是又一款輕薄橫折手機,同時發表的還有使用 160MP 相機的榮耀 80 系列。
潮流藝術家 Daniel Arsham 讓小米 12T Pro「未來結晶化」
小米與 Arsham 合作推出限量 2,000 台的聯乘特別版小米 12T Pro Arsham Edition,結合他對於現今手機在歷經風化、結晶之後的想像,重新為這款手機配色。
Xiaomi’s 12T Pro gets a ‘fictional archaeology’ makeover
Even if you aren’t familiar with Daniel Arsham, chances are you might have already come across his crystallized Pokémon sculptures. Fans can now get a similar makeover on a smartphone, by way of a collaboration between Xiaomi and the New York-based art…
Mozilla 推出 VPN + 電郵中繼服務同梱的 7 美元訂閱方案
Mozilla 推出新的年度訂閱方案「Firefox Relay with Mozilla VPN」,以年繳方式付費,每月平均只要 7 美元,就可以有著全方位隱藏的你網路足跡的保護。
Casetify 黑五優惠,3 件 7 折提早準備聖誕禮物
現在 Casetify 正推出黑色星期五優惠,由現在直至 11 月 28 日為止,購物時輸入優惠碼「BF2022」,即可享受買 1 件手機殼 85 折、2 件 75 折、3 件 7 折的大額折扣,提早為伴侶準備聖誕節禮物。
黑五優惠 2022:300 美元入手 Google Pixel 6a、Pixel Buds A 只要 64 美元
性價比超高的 Google Pixel 6a 和新款 Pixel Buds A 更迎來大幅折扣。大家不用假手於店家,自行透過代運服務就把 Google 親兒子新作帶香港。
‘Deus Ex Go’ and other Square Enix mobile games are shutting down
Within less than a couple of months, you’ll no longer be able to access Deus Ex Go, the turn-based puzzle game entry in the cyberpunk-dystopian franchise. Deus Ex Go was developed by Square Enix Montreal, which was acquired by Swedish game company Embr…