This week’s tech news may have been dominated by the launch of the iPhone 14, but there are many good deals on existing gadgets that you can pick up right now, too. Apple’s iPad mini is $100 off and down to its best price ever, while the AirPods Max re…
Apple Watch Ultra repairs cost $499 without AppleCare+
If you decide to pick up the new, high-end Apple Watch Ultra, it’s probably a good idea to pay for AppleCare+ protection. Without AppleCare+, an Apple Watch Ultra repair will cost an eye-watering $499, as MacRumors points out. Not only is that nearly two-thirds of the price of the $799 Ultra, it’s the cost of an Apple Watch Series 8 with cellular connectivity.
Apple will charge that $499 fee to fix physical damage to the device. During the coverage period, AppleCare+ includes “unlimited incidents of accidental damage protection.” Even so, you’ll still need to pay a $79 service fee for repairs. Meanwhile, Apple will charge $99 to replace the battery, even if you do have AppleCare+.
Depending on the model, Apple Watch Series 8 repairs will cost between $299 and $399 without AppleCare+ protection (the device starts at $399). The service fee is $69 with AppleCare+. Apple Watch SE repairs outside of AppleCare+ coverage will run you between $199 and $229. Battery replacements for the non-Ultra models cost $79.
Meanwhile, we had some hands-on time with the Ultra this week. While the device certainly seems more rugged than other Apple Watch models, it’s not immune to damage, so ponying up $99 for AppleCare+ coverage could prevent your wallet from feeling a far sharper sting.
Casetify 推出 iPhone 14 手機殼,「彈」出防護力新高度
Casetify 為全新 iPhone 而設的手機殼現已開始發售,這次它們亦一併公佈了以吊橋為設計靈感來源的 Bounce 極強防摔手機殼,防護性能可說是極為優秀,大大推高自家手機殼保護力的頂點。
Google 加強跨裝置傳輸,名下設備一鍵分享檔案
Google 來預告 Android 系統接下來對於分享檔案、無障礙控制等的多項新改變。
66 折入手 Sennheiser IE300 發燒級耳機
輕便的 Sennheiser 發燒級耳機 IE300 現在於 Amazon 上正由原價 US$300 減至 US$200,它每邊耳機只有 4g 的重量,而且更採用了配備於高階型號 IE800 上的 7mm XWB 超寬廣音頻單體,提供出色的音色表現能力。…
YouTube 預告明年推出收費網路課堂模式
網路課堂式已經盛行一陣子,甚至似乎吸引到 YouTube 也希望來分一杯羹。
Insta360 X3 一體機有著更大的感光器和更大的螢幕
久違 2 年之後,Insta360 終於也帶來全新一體機 X3 360 度相機,有著更大的感光器和更大的螢幕,也新增實體按鍵更好操作。
Bose 全新 QuietComfort 消噪耳塞 II 懂得自動調節 EQ 和降噪效果
Bose 帶來了全新的 QuietComfort 消噪耳塞 II 真・無線耳機,以引進新的 CustomTune 和 ActiveSense 功能來自動調節耳機 EQ 和提升降噪效果
iPhone 14 系列能連結衛星使用緊急 SOS 求救(但中港版本除外)
iPhone 14 系列能連結衛星使用緊急 SOS 求救,讓你在失去手機訊號時也不至於孤立無援。
一文看清全新 iPhone 14 系列、Apple Watch Ultra、AirPods Pro 2 規格、動手玩體驗
Apple 發表了全新 iPhone 14 系列、更強固的 Apple Watch Ultra、新一代的 AirPods Pro 2。以下的文章就整合了各款新產品的主要賣點、售價等資訊,大家可以簡單明瞭地重溫 Apple 這回的所有發佈了。