在真.無線耳機市場一直非常活躍的 Jabra,在這次黑色星期五早鳥優惠中先行推出數款產品特價優惠,當中便包括了兩款 Active 運動系列的真.無線耳機 Elite 4 Active 以及 Elite Active 65t。
FCC orders ISPs to display labels clearly showing speeds and itemized fees
Internet service providers (ISP) will soon have to be a lot more transparent with what their plans come with and how much they truly cost. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has introduced new rules that will require ISPs to display easy-to-re…
大量 Twitter 員工辭職,拒絕順從 Elon Musk 「硬核」要求
大量 Twitter 員工辭職,拒絕順從 Elon Musk 「硬核」要求。
Meta 處分二十多個綁架 FB、IG 帳戶的員工
有超過二十多位的 Meta 擁有後台權限的員工被指以權謀私,在過去一年透過名為「Oops」的帳戶回復工具來綁架多個 FB、IG 帳戶,有的甚至接受「數千美元」的賄款來解鎖。
Google 的 Live View AR 搜尋功能將在下週起逐步推出
Google 今天為旗下的多個服務增加了新功能,其中最受期待的大概就是 Live View 裡的 AR 搜尋了。
Twitter hit with mass resignations after Elon Musk’s ‘hardcore’ ultimatum
Elon Musk is now facing a new crisis at Twitter as a wave of employees seemed to reject his ultimatum of an “extremely hardcore” Twitter 2.0 or leave the company. Hours after a deadline for workers to check “yes” on a Google form accepting “long hours …
Elon Musk changes Twitter’s remote work rules, again
Elon Musk is changing Twitter’s remote work rules yet again amid deadline for employees to commit to his vision for a “hardcore” company. Musk, who previously banned remote work at Twitter, has now indicated that some remote work is possible, Bloomberg…
Feds charge Russians linked to the ‘world’s largest’ pirated e-book library
US law enforcement isn’t just interested in shutting down video pirates. The feds have charged two Russian nationals, Anton Napolsky and Valeriia Ermakova, for allegedly running the pirate e-book repository Z-Library. The site was billed as the “world’…
Democratic senators ask FTC to investigate Elon Musk over his handling of Twitter
A group of Democratic senators have asked the FTC to investigate Elon Musk over his handling of users’ privacy and security in the wake of his takeover of Twitter. In a letter to FTC Chair Lina Khan, the senators cite Musk’s botched rollout of Twitter …