黑五優惠 2022:Jabra 防水運動耳機 67 折,降噪款低至 80 美元

在真.無線耳機市場一直非常活躍的 Jabra,在這次黑色星期五早鳥優惠中先行推出數款產品特價優惠,當中便包括了兩款 Active 運動系列的真.無線耳機 Elite 4 Active 以及 Elite Active 65t。

Feds charge Russians linked to the ‘world’s largest’ pirated e-book library

US law enforcement isn’t just interested in shutting down video pirates. The feds have charged two Russian nationals, Anton Napolsky and Valeriia Ermakova, for allegedly running the pirate e-book repository Z-Library. The site was billed as the “world’…