Telegram and its users are looking into ways to make more money from the platform. One method users have tried is using third-party payment bots to sell paid individual posts on their channels. However, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov says the company had to …
Snapchat 的「導演模式」終於來到手機上了
Snapchat 四月時預覽過的「Director Mode(導演模式)」,現在終於來到所有的 Android 及 iOS 手機上了。
在受到強烈反彈後,蘋果由 App Store 的個別 app 頁面暫時撤下賭博類廣告
想不到的是 app store 新廣告一上線就立即引發了爭議。這主要是在個別 app 的頁面底下「你可能會喜歡」裡出現的廣告,有不少開發者發現自己的 app 底下出現了賭博類的廣告,而自己的 app 卻與賭博一點關係也沒有。…
Apple pulls gambling ads from App Store product pages following backlash
On October 25th, Apple started displaying more ads in the App Store, particularly in the “Today” tab and at the bottom of app listings. Since then, multiple developers have complained about getting ads for gambling under their listings’ “You Might Also…
Apple 測試新版網頁版 iCloud 介面,卡片式設計更容易一覽內容
Apple 正測試新版本的網頁版 iCloud 介面,希望透過豐富頁面內容和更直覺的使用體驗,吸引大家再試用看看。
Spotify 指控 Apple 利用「不公平優勢」打擊其剛起步的有聲書業務
Spotify 指控 Apple 利用「不公平優勢」打擊其剛起步的有聲書業務,前者稱自己的購買系統被後者以違規為由拒絕了三次,他們不得不隱藏價格並透過電郵連結在 app 外銷售。
Apple’s new iCloud web interface is much more useful than before
iCloud has been available on the web for a long time, but you might not have rushed to use it given a basic and sometimes clunky interface. You might have a reason to give it another look, though. Apple has introduced a beta iCloud web client that pres…
Duolingo’s free Math app arrives on iOS
Duolingo isn’t just about helping people learn languages anymore. The company has released Duolingo Math on iOS, over a year after it first teased the app. Naturally, Duolingo Math shares a lot of DNA with the language apps, including colorful animatio…
Apple 已將 Freeform 白板功能開放給開發者
Apple 已將 Freeform 白板功能開放給開發者,iOS、iPadOS 和 macOS 皆可使用。
Rode’s gaming sub-brand debuts with ‘Unify’ streaming software and two familiar mics
Gaming creators and streamers will already be familiar with Rode. The company’s microphones and podcastingproducts make good options for those plugging into OBS, YouTube, Twitch and anywhere else you might “go live.” But as of today, there’s a whole ne…