If I’m honest with myself, my one true hobby is collecting hobbies. I play guitar and record electronic music. I picked up painting last year. (I am objectively horrible at it.) I cook. I brew beer. I dabble in DIY electronics. I’m an avid hiker. An on…
All the gear you need to game-stream like a pro
It’s the season to cozy up in front of your monitor with a big blanket, a cup of hot cocoa, a great game and all of your best friends in the Twitch chat. But before going live on Twitch or YouTube, there are dozens of factors to consider, such as light…
Eventide’s H90 Harmonizer is an insanely powerful and insanely expensive guitar pedal
Eventide declared the H9 the “one pedal to rule them all.” But that was over eight years ago. It was the definition of cutting edge digital effects 2013. Things change though, and in 2022 the company is finally introducing a proper successor — the H90 …
The Morning After: Someone modded a folding iPhone
Taking on something a bit more challenging than adding a USB-C port, Aesthetics of Science and Technology (AST) claims to have built a folding iPhone. The group pillaged the folding screen from a Motorola RAZR, added some 3D-printed parts and combined …
US$150 入手 2TB Crucial X8 可攜式 SSD
Crucial 的硬碟產品可以稱得上是價廉物美,是不少低預算人士的福音,現在於 Amazon 上它們正推出可攜式 SSD 的優惠,2TB 版本的 Crucial X8 正以破底價 US$150 發售,優惠不知怎麼時候會結束,要捉緊機會入手啊。…
Google One 的 VPN 服務來到 Mac 與 Windows 電腦上
Google 推出了 Mac 和 Windows 兩個平台的 VPN app,全部 22 個有提供 VPN 服務的國家(包括台灣)都能使用。和手機版一樣,你可以用來隱藏自己的身份,但不能偽裝成人在其他國家。
微軟確認 Windows 11 相片 app 能在月內加入 iCloud 相片同步功能
微軟和 Apple 在 10 月時就率先預告並讓 Insider 嚐鮮在 Windows 11 的原生相片 app 裡同步來自 iCloud 的相片內容,而這功能也獲確認在 11 月底正式開放給一般使用者了。
Philips Hue’s smart string lights are a pricey way to add holiday cheer to your home
With the holidays around the corner, Signify, the company formerly known as Philips Lighting, is finally introducing a set of festive fairy lights. Measuring 20 meters (or just a touch over 65 feet), the Festavia string lights feature 250 mini LEDs. Na…
Logitech 雙 11 特賣,人體工學產品減低工作疲憊感
除了遊戲裝備以外,Logitech 亦有推出不少符合人體工學的產品,讓用家在舒適感以及工作效率之間取得最好的平衡。在他們官方網站上的雙 11 活動便帶來不少這類產品的優惠,購買指定商品 2 件或以上可再享 95 折上折優惠,為你打造條件更好的工作環境。…
香港 Samsung Week 年度星級賞,買手機、平板享過 HK$5,000 禮遇
Samsung Week 期間 Galaxy Z Flip 4、Z Fold 4、S22 Ultra 以及 Tab S8 Ultra 除開本身的折扣以外,同樣可享超過 HK$5,000 的額外禮遇,而且更可以折扣價加購最新的 Galaxy Watch 5 及 Galaxy Watch 5 Pro,完善你的 Samsung 生態圈!…