黑色星期五優惠,Surfshark、NordVPN 兩年計劃低至 16 折

兩大常用的 VPN 軟體 Surfshark 以及 NordVPN 現已搶先推出黑色星期五的優惠,兩者同樣帶來了 2 年計畫特價再加送使用期限的優惠,但在功能和價格上就互有長短,要看用家的需要而決定選擇那一方才好。…

Google Play Games is now available on PC in the US

Google Play Games has arrived on PC in more countries, including the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore. The app, which is available in beta, allows you to play a selection of Android games on your PC with a …