A stored Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability was found in keycloak as shipped in Red Hat Single Sign-On 7. This flaw allows a privileged attacker to execute malicious scripts in the admin console, abusing the default roles functionality.
[lz4-sys] lz4-sys vulnerable to memory corruption via issue in liblz4
lz4-sys up to v1.9.3 bundles a version of liblz4 that is vulnerable to
Attackers could craft a payload that triggers an integer overflow upon
decompression, causing an out-of-bounds write.
The flaw has been corrected in version v1.9.4 of…
[github.com/ElrondNetwork/elrond-go] elrond-go MultiESDTNFTTransfer call on a SC address with missing function name
Anyone who uses elrond-go to process blocks (historical or actual) that contains a transaction like this: MultiESDTNFTTransfer@01@54444558544b4b5955532d323631626138@00@0793afc18c8da2ca@ (mind the missing function name after the last @)
Basic fun…
[go.pinniped.dev] Pinniped Supervisor Insufficient Session Expiration vulnerability
A user authenticating to Kubernetes clusters via the Pinniped Supervisor could potentially use their access token to continue their session beyond what proper use of their refresh token might allow.
Access tokens issued by the Pinniped Superviso…
[github.com/fluxcd/flux2] Flux CLI Workload Injection
Flux CLI allows users to deploy Flux components into a Kubernetes cluster via command-line. The vulnerability allows other applications to replace the Flux deployment information with arbitrary content which is deployed into the target Kubernetes clust…
オズワルド伊藤は「危ない状態」 若林正恭も心配…「漫才漬け」過酷スケジュールの弊害告白
イギリスの次期首相を決める保守党の党首選が9月5日に迫っている。現在、インド系のスナク前財務相とイギリスで3人目の女性首相を目指すトラス外相との一騎打ちが繰り広げられている。 党首選の序盤は、スナク氏がリードしており、同
ソフトバンクグループは31日、ラジーブ・ミスラ氏が同社副社長を退任すると発表した。 インド出身のミスラ氏は、米マサチューセッツ工科大学スローンスクールの経営学修士号(MBA)を取得後の1997年からドイツ銀行の債券部門の