A Streets of Rage movie written by John Wick’s creator is on the way

I hope you’re not yet tired of the current avalanche of video game adaptations, because another fun-sounding one is on the way. Lionsgate has picked up the rights to make a Streets of Rage movie, which is being written and produced by John Wick creator…

Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chip offers hardware-accelerated ray tracing

Qualcomm has announced its latest flagship mobile chipset, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. Along with making it more powerful and efficient than Gen 1 chips, Qualcomm says it has packed more AI smarts into the new platform.The Snapdragon 8 will tap into the la…

Google will pay $392 million to 40 states in largest-ever US consumer privacy settlement

Google has agreed to pay $391.5 million to settle charges brought forth by 40 attorneys general. They accused the company of misleading users into believing they had turned off location tracking in their settings, but Google continued to collect inform…