NASA 的 Orion 載人艙在距地球 43 萬公里遠處,與地球和月亮同框自拍

NASA Artemis I 任務的 Orion 太空艙之前在週末的時候打破了阿波羅 13 號的飛行紀錄,成為至今離地球最遠的載人飛行器。但正所謂「沒圖沒真相」,NASA 怎麼可能不在達成這個里程碑的同時,好好「自拍」一張呢?於是,我們就有了上面的照片了。…

Water recycling technologies developed for space are helping a parched American west

Whether you live in the rapidly drying American West or are aboard the International Space Station for a six-month stint, having enough water to live on is a constant concern. As climate change continues to play havoc on the West’s aquifers, and as hum…