Cyber Monday 2022:華碩 Zenbook Duo 雙屏筆電大減 US$300

緊接著黑色星期五的還有 Cyber Monday,ASUS 兩款 Zenbook 也在當中推出了不錯的折扣,擁有雙螢幕的 Zenbook Duo 在這次優惠中 i5 以及 i7 處理器的版本均一減價 US$300,另外還有配置 OLED 螢幕的 Zenbook 13 折扣,十分吸引。…

Hitting the Books: Social media’s long, pointless war against sex on the internet

From the moment that people started getting nasty with Johannes Gutenberg’s newfangled printing press, sexually explicit content has led the way towards wide-scale adoption of mass communication technologies. But with every advance in methodology has i…