NASA 完成燃料輸送管墊片的替換

我們最後聽到關於 Artemis I 任務的消息時,NASA 還正要在發射台或是推回組裝廠這兩者間,選擇一處更換燃料輸送管墊片,想不到的是 NASA 選擇了相對風險比較大的發射台更換選項,並且已在稍早順利完成了更換。…

FCC 提案要求失效的衛星應在五年內於大氣焚毀

FCC 稍早推出了一個提案,將原本只是自願性在 25 年內處理掉失效衛星的現有規則,改為強制性要求美國的衛星公司(或想進入美國市場的外國衛星公司),必須以最快速度處置失效衛星,並且最長不得超過五年。…

The ‘Elden Ring’ soundtrack is now available on music streaming services

In addition to being one of the best games of the year, FromSoftware’s Elden Ring features an absolute treat of a soundtrack. Tsukasa Saitoh, Shoi Miyazawa, Yuka Kitamura, Yoshimi Kudo and Tai Tomisawa crafted an orchestral score that pays homage to the studio’s past while offering something new, and now you can listen to their work without booting up the game.

Publisher Bandai Namco has uploaded Elden Ring’s entire 67-track score to nearly every streaming service out there. Among other platforms, you can listen to the soundtrack on Apple Music, Amazon Music, Spotify, Tidal and YouTube Music. If you still buy albums, it’s also available through iTunes.  

As is so often the case with From’s games, the songs that play during boss battles are among the most memorable. I had to stop myself from gritting my teeth after Malenia’s theme came on. Thankfully, the more ambient tracks, including “Limgrave,” are there to balance things out. Bandai Namco also released an all-too-short behind-the-scenes video showcasing the Budapest Film Orchestra recording some of the music you can hear in-game and online. You can watch it below.