依然還在向後延遲的 NASA Artemis I 任務,現在終於有了新的發射時程,暫定於美東時間的 11 月 16 日凌晨一點,也就是我們的同日下午升空。
NASA 確認 1986 年「挑戰者」太空梭碎片在海底被發現
「歷史頻道」在最新一次下潛佛羅里達的海底,打算去尋找二戰飛機殘骸的時候,意外發現了 1986 年「挑戰者」太空梭爆炸後的碎片。
NASA delays Artemis 1 launch by two more days to November 16th
NASA has once again delayed the launch of Artemis 1 in the face of a potentially dangerous weather system. The agency had penciled in the launch for the early morning of November 14th, but it’s now retargeting liftoff for November 16th. The current two…
Spain temporarily closed its airspace due to an out-of-control Chinese rocket
For the second time this year, the uncontrolled remnants of a Chinese Long March 5B came crashing to Earth. On Friday morning, US Space Command confirmed pieces of the rocket that carried the third and final piece of China’s Tiangong space station to o…
Watch the last total lunar eclipse until 2025 on November 8th
You’re about to get your last chance at witnessing a total lunar eclipse for quite some time. NASA has pointed out that the last such eclipse until March 2025 begins in the early morning hours of November 8th in North America. Parts of Asia, Australia,…
波音 Starliner 載人艙再次被延誤,恐怕要 2024 年才能正式商轉了
據 SpaceNews 報導,為了避開國際太空站繁忙的時程,Starliner 的載人測試 CFT 任務將由明年第一季延至第二季,最快四月才會升空了。
Astronauts will 3D print part of a human knee in space
Bioprinted body parts could prove vital to future medical treatments, and scientists are going to great lengths to test it — in a very literal sense. NASA, Redwire and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Center for Biotechnology (4…
NASA 將測試新一代的充氣式隔熱罩
NASA 即將發射名為 LOFTID 的充氣式隔熱罩,試驗其可行性。
SpaceX 的 Starship 火箭最快 12 月就可能首飛
據 SpaceNews 報導,NASA 負責 Artemis 登月計畫的資深官員 Mark Kirasich 透露,NASA 正緊盯著 Starship 的發展,且首飛最快可能 12 月初就會發生。